I was a bit taken aback because while I agree that every bad
thing that happens is made possible by the devil, he can’t also operate without
human connection. How can the devil slap you without entering someone whose
hand is available to do the slapping?
That brings me to the
issue of divorce. Our soft-sell magazines are awash with stories of pastors in
their 3rd and 4th marriages and all sorts happening. And someone called me to
ask why we are experiencing this. I will attempt to answer his question because
many reasons could be attributed to it:
1. A man of God is not God, he is a man:
Unfortunately, we treat our men of God as if they are spirits who don’t live in
a human body. What do we expect when we saddle them with our numerous issues.
Unfortunately, many are not wise enough to say No to church members whose lives
will continue if they drop dead. Church members have academic problems, they go
to a pastor; they have financial problems, they go to the pastor; they have
marital problems, they go to a pastor as if the man is built to solve every problem
and in our quest to prove that we are superstars, we also fail to embrace the
use of professionals who are trained in these areas because of our hidden fear
of losing respect.
What stops a man of God who knows his marriage is in
danger to take a back seat and allow a church member whose marriage is a model
take the message on a Sunday that marriage is meant to be discussed? You are
not built to solve every problem. As a matter of fact, you are like an
entrepreneur coordinating the various factors of production. You must
understand that there are many MOGs in the congregation who are not answering
to any title. What task would you give Bill Gates if he were your church member
or you would go ahead to preach on social media when you have Mark Zuckerbeg in
your church? It is only God that is omniscience; we are not and must not try to
pretend that we are or allow people make us one.
2. Anointing doesn’t give immunity to divorce:
The same way anointing doesn’t give immunity to sexual sins, it doesn’t also give
immunity to divorce. It takes more than anointing to make a marriage work. I
have seen the people we refer to as unbelievers build a fantastic marriage
while I have also seen loads of tongue-talking believers make a shipwreck of
theirs. The most important ingredient required to build a winning marriage isn’t
prayers; it is knowledge and if you don’t have it, you can’t pray it in. I tell
people that your anointing won’t stop you from sleeping with church members if
you have sex problems.
As a matter of fact, you don’t have to have sex
problems. If you position yourself around babes consistently in the name of ‘My
daughter in the Lord’ and you don’t draw a critical line, it’s only a matter of
time. My story is everywhere on how I was a sex addict in church after being
born again yet leading praise worship and leading people to Christ until I
became real with myself and went to get help. What you don’t have, you don’t
have it and you can’t also fake it to make it. Every counselor needs a
counselor and every pastor needs a pastor who may not necessarily be a title
carrying person because the problem with us in this part of the world is that
we assume a laity isn’t anointed as long as he doesn’t pastor a large church.
There are so many people that God has endowed with the
wisdom to solve most of the problems many pastors are going through. Daniel was
a politician; Nehemiah was the head of a brewery. In Aso Rock, how many men of
God would listen to such a fellow? If you are beating your wife, don’t pretend
you don’t have anger problem, you need to get help from a psychologist or a
3. There is no relationship without
communication/relaxation: So many men of God don’t
communicate with their spouses. You can’t expect an abandoned flower to thrive
and blossom without your attention. I honestly think many of us saddle our
wives with church work that they are not prepared for. I don’t believe that
because a man is a pastor necessarily means his wife must be a Pastor Mrs(my
opinion). God’s callings and gifting aren’t by marriage.
Many of us need to spend more time with our spouses. I
can’t understand the calling that makes a man of God remain in Nigeria while he
sends his wife to Germany to pastor the branch of the church over there. Excuse
me, you are a human being who needs emotional attention. Unfortunately, that is
a reality in many ministries. I need to say that you are a man of God on the
pulpit, but at home you are a lover and a father to your children.
So you might learn to drop the Bible and Christianity on
the altar so that you can communicate with your wife and your children in human
language. Even Jesus spoke with his mother and his disciples and even the crowd
in a language they will understand. I was invited to a meeting years ago and I
asked the ministers there the last time they had a dance with their spouses? I
was shocked that most of them admitted that it was during their wedding. What
tells us that God would be angry if you attend Salsa lessons with your wife as
a pastor or you think that would reduce the anointing or make you lose respect?
Relationship needs communication to thrive and you must
learn your spouse’s communication clues, love languages and even personality
traits. I think many women’s social lives are dead simply because they married
a man who is a pastor and they are being forced to live a life that is not
theirs. Unfortunately, it is only a matter of time because you can’t hide who
you are for too long.
4. Isolation isn’t spirituality:
Jesus never isolated himself. As a matter of fact, he was found in everyday
places like our present day shopping malls and movie houses. I see a lot of
young pastors who have aged faster than they should be because of isolation.
Something tells us that we need to isolate ourselves to receive a word for a
people who are being ‘pastored’ only during the service because many of them
are really being influenced more by their favorite musician than their pastor.
Don’t allow church members turn you into who you are not
because if you don’t hang out with your babe, they would spread your story when
your marriage breaks down. When was the last time you met your pastor in a bus,
a mall, a restaurant or a cinema? As a matter of fact, when was the last time
he was stuck in traffic and you saw him? If you have answered No, then most
likely your pastor is a spirit. I am aware that we have some top MOGs who could
be embarrassed by going to such places, but we created that system in the first
If a man wants to live in isolation, he should please
not get married so that we can save the body of Christ all this embarrassment.
5. Wisdom is in the city square:
If a man of God is inadequate on a particular subject, it is not shameful to
get help. As a matter of fact, it is humility to look for help from people that
have studied that particular subject. Age or longevity in ministry isn’t the
same as wisdom. There could be something to learn from someone we have
categorized as a sinner.
So, when I hear someone make statements like there is
nothing an unbeliever can teach me, I often want to ask who taught him how to
speak English or understand Mathematics. God has created us to be
interdependent, that is why I would submit myself to the wisdom of my doctor
who is trained to understand the human body as well as my financial consultant
who is trained to understand financial intelligence as well as my marital
mentor (who is not even a pastor) because he has ran a successful home for 50
As a matter of fact, he doesn’t have to have spent 50
years, if he has got the wisdom for marriage, it is only sane for me to humble
I think the key word here is humility because most of the reasons we
are giving for divorce are selfish reasons which may not really hold any water
for the discerning and many of the divorce cases are preventable provided we
have submitted ourselves to knowledge. Only the truth sets a man free and that
truth doesn’t necessarily have to come from the pulpit. It could be in a book
or from someone who isn’t even a man of God.
That people come every Sunday to worship and God has
placed us as their pastors hasn’t made us an island of knowledge because there
is a lot to learn from those people as well. If a successful career counselor
is a member of your church and has submitted himself to your leadership, I
think it is also wise to submit the career decisions of your church members or
even your own to his wisdom because he could have been a bishop in his field if
it were a church.
I believe we need to pray against this wind of marital
divorce, but I think the problem is deeper than prayers. My honest opinion is
the need for us to change our approach from church expansion to kingdom
expansion and by that, I mean our ability to control the airwaves and what
comes out of Nollywood and Hollywood as well as get involved in politics so
that we can formulate policies.
That way, we would embrace the use of professionals and
the super star pressure would have been off a lot of pastors so that they can
spend quality time with their spouses and do normal things that a normal human
being should do without members wondering if the man is still spiritual. You
saw what you liked when you married your babe and proposed to her, which she
accepted. So, you need to spend time grooming her as well lest the serpent
starts talking to her. Whatever God has joined together, let no congregation
put asunder.
Source: Praise Fowowe, Yes International magazine
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