From the professor of medicine who lectures at the
prestigious University of Ibadan, to the almajiri destitute who roams the
streets of Kano, to the wealthy real estate manager in Port Harcourt, to the
lowly nomad of arid Baga, there is one thing that connects these people -
religion. Religion permeates every facet of the Nigerian society and influences
the collective mindset of its people. Religion supposedly makes people good
except that the evidence does not support this claim.
What we know is that our society is plagued by all the
inequality, injustice and atrocities that one rarely encounters in the godless
Scandinavian societies, to use just one example. Our high degree of religiosity
has not translated into good governance and prosperity for our citizens. The
reasons are not far-fetched, and are discussed below.
One thing is undeniable – our society needs a change of
attitude and values. So how can we do things differently?
Mr. Biodun Aiyegboyin teams up with the secular
humanist and commentator on Nigerian socio-political and religious matters, Dr.
Ijabla Raymond, to explore these issues, and more.
Biodun Aiyegboyin: Can you tell the
readers a bit about yourself please?
Ijabla Raymond: Yes. I was born into a
Christian family in northern Nigeria. I trained as a medical doctor at the
University of Ibadan but I currently practise in the United Kingdom.
Biodun Aiyegboyin: So, how did your journey
into atheism or agnosticism start?
Ijabla Raymond: I would say it began in
the fourth year of medical school. A friend that I sang with in Deeper Life
Campus Fellowship became ill with cancer. To cut a long story short, she
suffered and died despite prayers that were said round the clock.
This made me to start asking difficult questions,
particularly around the subject of suffering. I discussed these with various
pastors that I encountered during the course of my journey but was not
satisfied with the answers I got.
One day, I had what you might call an eureka moment - it
occurred to me that perhaps the reason there were no satisfactory answers to my
questions was because the whole God thing was made up.
I do not like labels a lot because they often mean
different things to different people. I find that it is easier to describe who
I am or what I believe in. My position is that – I have not seen any evidence
to support the claim that God exists. Having said so, I'm very confident that
if God exists, He is not the entity described in the Abrahamic religions. This
position is based on my knowledge of these religions.
Biodun Aiyegboyin: I understand that you
don't like labels. But I see that your belief aligns with agnostic atheism.
Ijabla Raymond: Yes, I think that
description fits. I am also a strong advocate of secular humanism – the
worldview that humanity is capable of morality and self-fulfillment without the
need for the belief in God.
Biodun Aiyegboyin: You are an
outspoken critic of religion generally. What motivates you?
Ijabla Raymond: You have observed
correctly. I criticise religion generally, not just Christianity.
Let's begin by giving credit where one is due. Religion
has done some good e.g. charities. In Nigeria, the missionaries built schools
and hospitals, and abolished the killing of twins in Calabar.
But religion has also done a lot of nasty stuff e.g.
jihadist terrorism, homophobia, the suppression of women's rights,
witch-hunting, the exploitation of gullible and vulnerable people, the unending
feud between African Christians and Muslims etc.
In my view, religion has outlived its usefulness. It may
have served a purpose in the era of superstitions and ignorance. But we now
live in the age of reason and tremendous scientific advancement, and I find it
absurd that people should desire to regress to medieval mindset.
Contrary to what some religions teach, man is capable of
independent morality without the need for a belief in god(s). Morality predates
religion - if you disagree, you'd have to explain to me how Christians and
Muslims know that slavery is wrong seeing as this is endorsed in their holy
I agree with Robert Green Ingersoll when he said: “Christianity
has such a contemptible opinion of human nature that it does not believe a man
can tell the truth unless frightened by a belief in God. No lower opinion of
the human race has ever been expressed.”
Biodun Aiyegboyin: Some people will
not agree with your opinion that religion served a purpose even back then. They
might argue that religion has been, and continues to be a stumbling block to
the overall progress of the human race. What is your view on this?
Ijabla Raymond: I can see their point. Like
I said, you don't need religion to be a good person. I believe that's the case
now, as it was 6000 yrs ago. And yes, religion has been, and still is, a
stumbling block to human progress. In contemporary times, we have seen how
America's evangelicals oppose stem cell research; how the Catholic Church
condemns the use of condom thereby putting millions of Africans at risk of
HIV/AIDS; how Pakistan’s anti-blasphemy laws have been deployed to kill muslim
apostates, Christians and atheists. The examples are endless.
Biodun Aiyegboyin: You are a medical
doctor and you practiced here in Nigeria before relocating to the UK. Medical
doctors, as well as other professionals, are mostly religious around here. In
fact, the motto of some big hospitals around here is "We care but God
heals". What is your opinion on this? Do you think hospitals should
promote faith over medicine?
Ijabla Raymond: Definitely not!!
I have not seen any evidence that prayers and fasting
can heal illnesses. If that were the case, churches would have run hospitals
out of work. Prayers make people (who are predisposed) to feel good about
themselves. But that’s it – they never grow the limbs of amputees.
Most of my Nigerian friends (doctors) are Pentecostal
Christians. They are well-educated people with several postgraduate degrees
but, somehow, a lot of them still believe that evil spirits, witches and demons
are responsible for diseases. They still believe that prayers and fasting can
alter the outcome of illnesses. This makes me to draw the conclusion that
religion has the power to make people to hold contradictory ideas at the same
time, and that education in itself does not immunize against religious
indoctrination. As you know, the leaders of many jihadist organisations are
also well-educated people. The Nigerian underwear suicide bomber,
Abdulmutallab, was a student in one of the UK's most prestigious universities.
In 2007, Glasgow airport was nearly blown up by two medical doctors in a
jihadist terrorist plot.
When I was in Nigeria, it was commonplace to see
doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals preaching or praying loudly
by patient's bedsides. You could walk to the ward and find nurses reading the
bible whilst a patient was crying out in pain. I don't know how much these
practices have changed. I have not seen these happen even once in the 10 years
that I have lived in the UK. In this society, it is understood that prayers
should not get in the way of medical treatment. It appears that rich Nigerians
agree - they fly abroad to treat the most minor ailments!
Biodun Aiyegboyin: Indeed, not much
has changed since your left. Perhaps the religiously indoctrinated mindset is
one of the factors responsible for the poor state of our healthcare?
Ijabla Raymond: I think this is tenable
even if it is difficult to prove. I know that poverty, poor health access and
failure of governance can all lead to harmful health practices e.g. exorcisms
and other forms of "spiritual" consultations which delay hospital
presentations and often result in increased morbidity and mortality.
The poor state of healthcare in Nigeria is more easily
explained by factors such as corruption, lack of visionary leadership,
inconsistency of policies, brain drain, medical tourism etc. But the fatalistic
nature of our religious beliefs means that we surrender problems that we can,
and should, solve by ourselves to God.
Biodun Aiyegboyin: You live in a society
that does not give special regard to religious beliefs, so I presume your
non-belief is never an issue with friends and colleagues. How about your folks
at home especially when you come visiting? How did they react to your
Ijabla Raymond: My parents and siblings
haven't stopped praying for me to revert to Christianity. They hope that God
will "arrest" me someday like he did to apostle Paul. I am aware that
some of my Nigerian Christian friends have been praying for me too. So I feel
very special with all these prayers going on (smiles). My English family
accepts me just the way I am.
I have met and befriended Christians here in the UK.
From my experience, it usually takes a period of acquaintance before they talk
about their Christian faith. So they are not in your face as is usually the
case in Nigeria. I find this refreshing because actions speak louder than
words. Back home, as you know, everyone goes to church or a mosque but our
actions do not really reflect what we preach. I mean, look at the amount of
corruption going on in Nigeria at both the individual and community levels!
Biodun Aiyegboyin: I notice that you
focus mainly on Pentecostalism and Islam in your criticisms of religion. Let's
take them one after the other. Pentecostalism is arguably the most popular
brand of Christianity in Africa. What, in your opinion, is the problem with
this ever-growing brand of Christianity?
Ijabla Raymond: Pentecostalism - now that's
a big one! Permit to digress for minute.
Pentecostalism takes its name from the
"Pentecost", the events of which are summarised in the book of Acts
chapter 1. This was the day that the Holy Spirit supposedly appeared to the
first Christians. The spirit enabled them to speak in tongues and carry out
Until Martin Luther's Reformation, everybody just did
what the Pope told them. But from this moment, anyone could read the bible and
interpret it as they saw fit. And then the divisions and denominations started.
I think the last century has seen an explosion in the number of denominations
like none before it. There are as many interpretations of the bible as there
are people.
The Pentecostals emphasise communication with the Holy
Spirit or "revelation". The problem with this is that anybody
can claim that the voice in their head is from God. In fact, anyone can become
a pastor. No qualifications are necessary- you just need to claim that God has “called”
you. And there are many gullible people who would believe any claim or sentence
that starts with "God".
The prosperity gospel is America's biggest export to
Africa. It is a doctrine of greed, and I'm sorry to point out that this disease
afflicts the Pentecostals most. In my view, the majority of Pentecostal pastors
are in the business for money. Africa is so poor and corrupt that the surest
way to make money is to do politics or church business. The European
missionaries built free schools and hospitals from which many of these pastors
benefited. Our Pentecostal African pastors have enriched themselves on the back
of donations (tithes and offerings) from their congregations. But instead of
giving back to their communities, they invest in diversified portfolios to create
even more wealth for themselves and their families. They live large. Some of
these pastors even own private jets – Bishop Oyedepo allegedly has four! Their
schools and hospitals are well out of the reach of most of their followers who
continue to donate to these churches in the hope of financial reward from God.
Sadly, these pastors have successfully propagated the notion that Christian
living or success in life is synonymous with abundance, luxury and ostentation.
Another evil of Pentecostalism is faith healing. This
has become the most popular and assured method to fleece desperate and
vulnerable people. You will notice that these pastors never grow the limbs of
amputees but they are always making the blind to see, the lame to walk, the
deaf to hear and so on. People even get paid by them to participate in
carefully orchestrated miraculous healings during church services.
I am of the view that the government has a
responsibility to protect vulnerable people from these types of exploitations.
These charlatans should not be allowed to get away with making false
representations particularly when these result in harm. As you know, many
people delay their presentation to hospitals and some even stop taking their
medications because of the assurance of miraculous healing they have been sold
(or more correctly, that they have bought). Some have tragically died as a
Then there's the problem of witch hunting - if you fail
an exam or a job interview, then a witch is behind it; if you have a
miscarriage, a witch is responsible and so on. Not too long ago, Bishop Oyedepo
slapped a young lady in front of the camera for no offence other than her claim
of being a "witch for Jesus". And need I remind you that, instead of
condemnation, his despicable action was greeted with a rapturous applause from
his church members? This practice assumes an even more grievous dimension in
many places in Southern Nigeria where children are commonly accused of
witchcraft and subjected to severe corporal punishments, which occasionally
result in their deaths. In one case, a three-inch nail was driven into the
skull of a little girl! Regrettably, these witch hunting of children is
promoted by Pentecostal pastors such as Helen Ukpabio.
Biodun Aiyegboyin: Do you agree that
the success of Pentecostalism in Africa can be attributed largely to the
inefficiency of government and the superstitious nature of our people?
Ijabla Raymond: Oh yes, without a doubt.
In general, religion thrives in poor or deprived societies.
For instance, people will sooner consult pastors and traditional healers for
health matters if hospitals are expensive, poorly resourced or inaccessible to
them. Poor governance creates a vacuum which religion tries to fill. The result
is what you see all over Africa.
But it appears to me that many politicians understand
that religion is an effective tool for controlling the masses, and they play
the religion card whenever it suits them.
Biodun Aiyegboyin: Faith healing, which you
mentioned in your earlier response, is a cause for concern. A lot of people
have died needlessly because they were instructed by their pastors to stop
taking medication for their ailments. What do you think could be done to stop
this irrationality?
Ijabla Raymond: Faith healing is a scam.
Prayers and fasting do not heal diseases. If you believe that the bible is the
literal word of God; if you believe in talking snakes and donkeys, then you
will believe anything. In situations where their powers can be objectively tested,
prayers and fasting crumble like a pack of cards. They never grow the limb of
amputees. A lot of these so-called miracles are stage-managed. In the other
cases, we never get to hear the true outcome of the testimonies that people
give. Some people feel pressured to testify about faith healing even when they
know there's has been none. Sadly, our journalists do not appear interested in
investigating these issues.
The solution to this problem lies in education. That's
what people like us are doing daily on social media - challenging dogmas. But I
think the government has a big duty to protect vulnerable people from
exploitation by those who make false representations. It is simple - prosecute
anyone who makes false claims that result in harm to others!
Biodun Aiyegboyin: Now, let's talk about
Islam. What is wrong with Islam?
Ijabla Raymond: Well, what is
right with Islam? Look around you - from Australia, China, Malaysia,
Russia, Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, the Middle East, North and
West Africa, the UK, to the U.S. - everywhere you look, jihadist terrorism
stares you right in the face. The Quran admonishes Muslim men to beat their
disobedient wives. The prophet of Islam married a prepubescent girl, and
because he is regarded as the best example of conduct, teenage marriages
continue to be practiced in Islamic communities. The Sharia compliant states of
Northern Nigeria have refused to adopt the Child's Rights Act which prohibits
child marriage. As a result, there is a high incidence of vesico-vaginal
fistulas in these communities. So, here again is another clear demonstration of
how religious beliefs and practices can adversely affect health and wellbeing.
You'll recall how Senator Sani Yerima and his friends in
the Senate blocked a change to existing laws in the Nigerian constitution that
would have made teenage marriage illegal. He and his friends cited their
Islamic faith as the reason for this action. The senator who allegedly paid
$100,000 to marry a 13 year old Egyptian girl has made it clear on so many
occasions that Sharia law takes precedence over the Nigerian constitution.
In Islam, women do not have the same rights as men. Then
there is the issue of polygamy. In principle, I have no problem with polygamy
as long as it is consensual. In reality, women are forced into polygamy by
financial, cultural and religious considerations, and I oppose this.
I accept that many Muslims do not live as I have
described, choosing instead to live by more liberal and humanist principles.
Religious people are very notorious for cherry picking passages of their
scriptures and this is good; because without it, religious literalists would
have annihilated us by now. The Quran, like the Old Testament, is filled with
hateful and bigoted verses.
The difference between Islam and Christianity is to be
found in the New Testament, which contains the pacifist teachings of Jesus
Christ. Jesus taught his followers to turn the other cheek whereas Mohammed
called on his followers to instil terror in the hearts of their enemies by
beheadings and limb mutilations.
Today, if someone tells us that they are hearing voices
in their head and that God has been speaking to them, we would question their
mental health. However, billions of people around the world do not only refuse
to undertake such scrutiny but they actually take offence that some folks have
the common sense to question similar claims contained within the pages of
medieval writings. I find this fascinating!
Biodun Aiyegboyin: Do you think if
religions are reformed for example by removing the verses that promote
segregation, violence, slavery etc, perhaps they could be of some benefit to
Ijabla Raymond: Morality predates religion.
My view is that you don't need religion to be a good person. But I do think
that the world would be a far better place if the violent and bigoted verses in
religious holy books were expunged. For instance, we won't have jihadist
terrorism and groups like Boko Haram, Al-qaeda and Alshabab; gay people will
not be discriminated against; the internecine wars between religious groups
(such as Muslims vs. Christians) or within religious groups (e.g. Shia vs.
Sunni) would end.
Biodun Aiyegboyin: Finally, what do you
think should be done to spread secularism and humanism in Africa?
Ijabla Raymond: This is already happening.
I think the Internet is a very powerful tool for disseminating ideas and
changing attitudes/values. My feeling is that secular humanism will be the
dominant philosophy of the 21st century. It is my hope that Africa would be a
lot different in 100 yrs from what we know now - less superstitious and more
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