Monday, March 16, 2015

Ten Years On, Toast for Nkoli and Azuh Arinze

Nkoli and Azuh Arinze
(Sam Kargbo)--Oscar Wilde was definitely not a friend of the marriage institution. According to him, marriage is the best way to end a beautiful friendship. It is the road to lifelong loneliness and grief. He so despises the institution that he recommended it only for the cowards. In his view all men at heart do not marry. His parent's marriage may not have even made sense to him as he saw marriage playing the opposite of what love does for mankind.  
If Azuh Arinze ever read this mischievous character, then he must have done so long after he had developed a sixth sense that defines his manliness in terms of the allegiance he has for the first institution established by God after the creation of man (With due apology to non Christians). Contrary to Wilde's claim that the ideal marriage is the one of which the man is deaf and woman is blind, or that marriage is the last refuge for the impotent, Azuh must have enjoyed the good company of clear sighted and virile friends with successful marriages. With the likes of the Teco Bensons as friends, Azuh was sure to make his parents and the society proud.

Truly, the paths we travel through in life determine our destinations in life.  Whereas many young men come to Lagos without any vision, Azuh came with the right frame of mind and attitude; and was from the outset determine to make a secured future for himself and the light of his life. From Mike Nliam who first introduced him to me and Teco Benson who introduced him as his brother, the testimonial was that he was an honest and dependable friend and brother. Being in a profession with a high personality and character depreciation, I was impressed and prayerful that he would continue to invest in his person. Indeed, the Azuh Arinze that I have come to know over the years is a Youngman born and bred to make the right choices in life. He has all the signs and attributes of an enduring character. From his unassuming personality to his openness, it is easy for him to win friends. His marriage ceremonies at Nnewi and Lagos have shown that he has a large number of quality and dedicated friends.
Of course the Lagos August 6 ceremonies told the exciting story of a couple loved by their friends and relations. There was hardly anybody in the entertainment industry that was not there. But I enjoyed the traditional marriage the more. The razzmatazz and glamour of the Church and Coliseum ceremonies were very much expected for a man like Azuh that has so honourably distinguished himself in a trade where the angels falter. The Nnewi ceremonies would for a long time provide good mental pictures for me. When I first received the invitation for the traditional wedding at Nnewi, I did not think twice to accept it. First it was an opportunity for me to say thank you to a young man who selflessly put out himself to assist me in the promotion of my movie, Blood Diamonds and secondly it was an opportunity for me to dodge from the good old Lagos and savour quality time with my wife. As we always do when travelling to the East and South, we left a day before and slept in Benin. We left Benin early enough and got to Newi at about noon. My estimation was that many friends will wait for the Lagos event. I was wrong. By 2.00 p.m when the traditional wedding ceremony started the whole of Nnewi was in a party mood.
The entire ceremony was spectacular. The side attractions were something else. If I had a camera to capture the hilarious picture of the diminutive Julius Agu Working hand in hand with Chico Ejiro's well built wife, I would have encouraged others to start a career in photo comedy. There was also the exciting stunt pulled on us by the delectable Shan (Dollar) George. The babe was determined to win everybody's admiration. I have seen her in many beautiful dresses and can bet that she is trendy and fashionable. What she however wore that day must have been her Christmas dress. Those that are groaning under OBJ's unjustifiable banning of imported textile materials should look out for Shan and encouraged her to cart walk in the same dress before the old man, he would surely lift the ban. But it was not her dress or looks that was the issue. Shan was able to tell all of us that it was not only her colour that was ‘Oyibo' but her purse as well. To the shame of all of those who were waiting for the Onwa of Onitsha (Charles Ahize) to spread smiles on the faces of the musicians, Shan showered so much dollars on the musicians that for once, I regretted not being a musician.
When Bianca Ojukwu walked into the arena, I thought that was the climax of the occasion. For those who are wondering about what might have domesticated the Ikemba, I would advise them to see Bianca. But I was wrong. Not too long the whole venue was agog. The atmosphere was unmistakably charged. I could not help but beg for answers. Who was coming? When he arrived, the man they described as the Onwa, left nobody in doubt about the power he wields. From Kanayo O Kanayo to his guards, everybody around the gentleman walked with the air of confidence that would baffle OBJ. As is typical with men of his nature, he came conquered and left the rest of us to ponder about what we want out of life. For me he made money quite relevant. And for those who want to conquer man and nature at the same time, I would advise them to consult the god of money.
Azuh with his parents, Chief and Lolo Ann Azuh Chimezie
I also had the opportunity to watch the older Azuhs. The romantic couple that gifted Azuh to Nigeria and the entertainment world, gave a good account of themselves and make an excellent case for the marriage institution. I will recommend the couple to George Bush in his effort to at limiting the institution to a godly union between a man and a woman. The beautiful lady Teco pointed out to me as the mother of Azuh looked forty. Though handsome, Azuh the son avoided her entirely in looks. The red capped gentleman, who sat by her and carrying the looks of a fifty year old rich man was the father. From my own point of view, the gentleman must have from the beginning of his relationship with his wife vowed to clone himself. The young Azuh Arinze is from his complexion to his manner of smiling a carbon copy of his father.
The brotherhood of the reality or personality writers was well represented. Kunle Bakare the publisher of Encomium, one of Nigeria's most celebrated reality magazines that Azuh ably serves as editor, was understandably very chatty. Mike Effiong of Ovation, Charles Nwabara of City People, Ejiro Adigbo of Global Excellence were all there to give their support. The Movie Producers were also ably represented. Chico, Remy Jeys and the Who is Who in the movie making world were there. I enjoyed the company of these enterprising and fun creating people. But Nkoli's bridal dance was the event of the day for me.
If my understanding of life counts I can say emphatically that Azuh has got a good and supportive partner in his wife. Azuh could easily be a shy person but his wife has no strand of shyness. The way she danced that day told the whole story of their love and my prayer is that the dance should last as long as they live. It would be a disservice to humanity for the story of Nkoli and Azuh not to last forever. I wish them the best in all their future endeavours.

[Editor’s note: Ten years on since their wedding, Nkoli and Azuh are still going stronger. May God continue to bless their love and marriage].

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