Thursday, September 13, 2018

The Rascality and Naiveté of Nigerian Christians

(By Temidayo Ahanmisi) - A woman, dedicated member of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, (RCCG) went out on "Morning Cry" on the streets of Abuja about 2 years ago.
She was slaughtered like a stray pig by yet unknown assailants who will forever be at large.
"Morning Cry", which if we would be sincere, should be called "Moron Cry" is that urban delinquency Pentecostal Christians and their fellow Christian renegades engage in to hawk the Christian gospel in seeming hopes of cornering new members to the fold. 
Seeming, because the rascality is borne from deep psychological issues from unresolved personality drawbacks which give birth to a stock guilt complex, ignorance and extreme judgmentalism. 
Economic poverty, a constricted socialisation and stunted formal education combine to exacerbate the aforementioned psychological problems, and what we have is the urge by the religious to "win souls for Christ" in the most crass, tasteless and rascally manners by disturbing the peace of other residents in their areas of operation.

You see them in commercial buses, taxis, and on the streets, being a nuisance.
Noise pollution is a nuisance. It is a civic offence and should be fined. It is there in our laws. That the law is not enforced is a different matter. 
Laws which enhance human decency and encourage decorum are not enforced in Nigeria and this is partly why we will never as a 'nation-society' amount to anything remotely properly civilised or progressive.
No, this piece is not to lampoon the unfortunate murder victim, who I won't name here, out of respect to her memory.
She did not deserve to be killed. No one should be so terrorised in their own country that they cannot exercise their conscientious freedoms, even if misguided or ill-advised.
It is the job of the government to advise them that they are in breach of laws concerning public conduct, and if they fail to desist, to punish for the misdemeanour committed.
This victim did not commit a crime, and given her probable ignorance of the law, it can even be argued that she did not commit an offence. 
We do not have any suspect in her murder, and so cannot even tell why she was murdered.
The government failed her. Society failed her. Her church, the RCCG failed her. This much we can be sure of.
I am ranting this morning for the benefit of any of my family members who would ever imagine to carry their personal unresolved issues out on the streets in the name of "evangelising" for the vainglory of any church, pastor or religion.
If you are injured or harassed in the process of distributing church fliers to advertise some upcoming church show, and need assistance, kindly lose my number. 
If you die, either from accident or homicide, while about the business of your Daddy G.O, I will not attend your funeral.
This shouldn't concern you, of course, since you'd be too dead to care, but I say this for the benefit of other misinformed kin who might think to invite me.
Yes I am judging you. I am judging your reckless naivete and the fact that you could have been great and done exploits in life, but chose to use your head to carry load for others wiser than you instead.
Why did I reference the poor RCCG member who died so needlessly in suppositions of a good cause?
Osinbanjo is the reason.
Osibanjo's boss - if the Bible we were indoctrinated with is true - is headed for hellfire. 
Buhari is not born again.
Osinbanjo has had direct access to Buhari for at least three years running. 
It'd take only a lunatic clown, dead from sociopathic self-delusion, to even begin to imagine that Osinbanjo would dare to preach the "gospel of salvation" to the president.
This is not about Osinbanjo, RCCG or any Daddy G.O. alone. 
This is for you who is reading this and has refused to wash their ori (head; destiny) of all natural and sociocultural predilection to naivete, sycophancy and load-carrying in this life.
It is for you would run to your pastor when you are ill, instead of the doctor, when said pastor, on the strength of your tithes and offerings would jump on the next plane and head for a top notch doctor in foreign lands for the same ailment.
Do not be too smug. There is already a machete at your jugular, and it has been slicing in from the first time you nodded in acquiescence when your pastor said "Don't question or judge any servant of God, else you short-change yourself out of spiritual blessings."
Every time you say "touch not my anointed" when you see clear cases of breach of biblical ordinances and commands by your spiritual mentors, that is your head being slowly separated from your neck.
Even your annoyance at my words is proof of your death. 
Your failure to see how an Osinbanjo not preaching in Aso Rock is a signal to you to quit being foolish for the things you delude yourself are for the sake of the gospel is evidence that you are not alive.
You have been long decapitated, but because you see something that looks like a head on your body, you go on being deceived that you are okay.
My condolences to your family. May God give them the fortitude to bear the loss you are.
Good morning, World.

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