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L-R: Pastors T.B. Joshua and Chris Okotie |
(SaharaReporters)--Last week, in the first part of this article, I argued
that pastors are not immune to error. Ecclesiastical impostors are having a
field day dredging up fables that impoverish the spiritual, mental, financial
and emotional wellbeing of many. In fact, in a bid to make Christianity a
syncretistic, money-spinning, show biz religion, some Nigerian pastors have
inadvertently become couriers of delusion. It is worthy of reiteration, if a
pastor is swayed by the spirit of seduction, he will be Satan’s bait to those
within the orbit of his authority. Doom looms when people uncritically accept
theological nonsense.
There is hardly any catastrophe as huge as having a pastor
that is Satan’s bait to his flock. It fosters satanic colonisation of the minds
of weak-knead churchgoers. Baits do numb minds. They induce false happiness,
senseless actions and blind loyalty. It is safe to assume that was why
some South African Christians eagerly ate grass under the instruction of their
pastor, claiming it will get them “closer to God.” Generally, heresies have the
effect of a lullaby, when dripping from the mouth of a respected preacher. Or
better, tsetse-fly effect; causing the sleeping sickness of the soul. If a
Christian starts listening to “doctrines of devils”, he would inevitably
cultivate dangerous habits of the mind and become docile in Spirit, even though
he may still be hyper-active in church.
It appears religious people do not primarily use their
minds to seek truth, but to authenticate falsehood they wish were true. Hence,
we sometimes justify twisted truth, condone apostates and castigate those who
warn us about their antics. Largely, we do not bear in mind the
forewarnings of Paul at Miletus to the pastoral elders of Ephesus, as recorded
in Acts 20:29-31: “I know that after I leave, savage wolves will come in
among you and will not spare the flock. Even from your own number men will
arise and distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them. So
be on your guard!”
As promised in the first part of this article, let me draw
your attention to some mushrooming nonsense in the Nigerian church. I am not
well predisposed to name and shame game; so, this is not to expose anyone to
vulgar taunts, but to contribute to stemming the rising tide of error. Time and
space will fail me to highlight many common errors. However, I will endeavour
to state their working principles.
Nonsense number one: This witch-must-die syndrome,
fall-down-and-die prayer. These nonsensical practices affront the integrity of
God’s word. Spirits don’t die. Praying for the death of your perceived
enemies is not consistent with biblical truth. Jesus is a life-giving saviour,
not a terminator. He wants all men saved, not dead. Jesus came to destroy the
works of the devil, not the doers (1 Jn. 3: 8). Hence, during his earthly
ministry, he did not call angels from heaven to consume those who vehemently
opposed him.
It seems to me that churchgoing witch hunters are not
seekers of God and truth, their longing is not to live the Christ life. They
are ensnared by fear and drowning in delusive superstitions, so, they clutch
burning straws. Don't be fooled. Your blessing is not in the devil's storeroom.
No enchanter can bury your glory. Witches don't have to die for you to
live your best life. You can reign in their midst.
Noticeably, hermeneutic laxity marks the way some pastors
approach the sacred duty of studying and feeding God's flock. Also, some
manifest paucity of knowledge about exegesis, which is the art of drawing
meaning from biblical text. What is common is “eisegesis”, which is
reading ones meaning into biblical text. Some read their cultural idioms,
biases and stereotypes into scripture. This has given rise to many doctrinal
errors, predicated on pre-conversion experiences.
For example, in Yoruba mythology, Ṣàngó
is venerated as the god of thunder and lightning, his double-axed attribute
makes him a willing destroyer of wrongdoers. Someone raised in this cultural
milieu may read Elijah’s fire-from-heaven encounter with the prophets of Baal
and their eventual death as a biblical parallel of Ṣàngó’s
workings and enact a prayer doctrine out of it.
This is worrisome, for Nigerians unduly place religious
leaders on the pedestal of avatar of enlightenment. Hence, many people without
thinking or testing the biblical validity of what their spiritual leaders say,
act as told and spread their sayings.
Nonsense number two: Praying to the God of your pastor in
the name of your pastor. Proxy access to God is erroneous. Apostle Paul
did not confront controlling spirits by flaunting his impressive spiritual
pedigree. He did not pray like this: I am Paul, the author of two third
of the New Testament, erudite Apostle to the Gentiles, veritable church planter
and leader builder, o God hear me, or you demons get out. His spiritual
sons did not wage war against the forces of evil by alluding to his exploits of
faith. His testimony was not their weapon of war, or access to God.
So, why do some of us pray in this fashion: The God of
Pastor Fire Abu, whom I serve answer me now by fire? Remember the error
of the seven sons of Sceva. Don’t relieve their mistake. Devils don’t bow at
the mention of the name of celebrity preachers. Their names cannot cure a rat’s
The faulty beliefs that pastors are infallible and
mediators between God and men have fuelled this practice of name-dropping while
praying. It also makes us to accord greater significance to their words
than scripture. As a result, the expression “my pastor said” is used more
frequently than “the Bible says.” This indicates shift of authority and
loyalty. Where the Bible is not revered as the final authority in matters
of Christian doctrine and practice, unthinking religious parrots would confer
false primacy on the words of their pastors.
Nonsense number three: Physicalising weapons of spiritual
warfare and idolising symbols. Biblically, it is nonsensical to fight spirits
with physical instruments and symbols. Koboko services are Pentecostal
jamboree. You cannot flog demons. Prayer shawls from Holy Land are not access
code to God’s heart. Jerusalem candles don’t repel evil. Holy water sanctifies
nothing. Olive oil is not the anointing. You cannot “give the devil a hot
slap in his face” by waving and offering dollars. I am sure you have
read: “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for
pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing
that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into
captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all
disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled”
Pastor, don’t teach me nonsense. The fact that you are
always digging deep for fresh revelation is salutary. But the feverish quest
for “new truth” could lead to error. It is detestable to elevate Jewish
mythology to the rank of canonised truth. When you say things like Lilith was
the first woman, not Eve, without situating it in its proper mythological
context, makes the occasional use of earplugs desirable when you are speaking.
Pastor, don’t teach me nonsense. God is not
money-oriented. He does not esteem men based on their possessions. Buying a
customised Bentley 2014 model is not a proof of God’s love.
God is not a money doubler. Yes, He is in the
business of blessing generous people. But it is not consistent with His
character to bless people, because, psyche pressure was mounted on them to
give. Some sold their cars after listening to action-inspiring messages about “24-hour
miracle”, and nothing happened. Others gave $119: 99 to activate the
blessing of Psalms 119: 99, yet, nothing happened.
The clarion call is: Pastor, don’t teach me nonsense.
Protect the sanctity of the pulpit. Be a custodian of truth. Uphold the
inerrancy of scripture. What and how you teach matter. Habitual failure
to differentiate biblical truths from personal opinions demeans the pulpit. Dogmatism,
which is about conferring the force of truth on opinion, often fuels heresies.
This is because; it is hostile to enquiry, and open to unquestioned acceptance
of propositions. This mode of transmitting knowledge cannot raise defenders of
truth. You cannot force feed people and hope they will become heroes of faith
poised to extend kingdom frontiers. Imitate Paul. He had an
effective teaching ministry. He wasn’t dogmatic. He was a master of
the arts of polemics. Hence, his spiritual seeds could smash warped
philosophies, break down barriers erected against truth and heal massively
corrupt cultures.
Pastor, don’t teach me
nonsense. It may bring quick fame and fortune; make you the pastor of the
fastest growing, always-in-the-news church in town. But at the end, stardom is
vain. Make your works free of Satan’s fingerprints.
By Omozuwa Gabriel Osamwonyi @omozuwaspeaks
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