Wednesday, June 29, 2016

No Africa Magic For My Child

(Chi-Chi Nnani)--NO child of mine is allowed to watch Africa Magic.
Until they clear up their CRAP programming. No. Not happening.
Some people don't realise those things they watch, aren't real. Apart from that, they can't happen. I said it the other day, that Nigerians engage with organised religion out of FEAR. That is the basis of a lot of their activities, including those ridiculous "fall down and die" prayers. I don't know how any sane person can put themselves in such a situation.

The fact that YOU cannot explain a thing, doesn't mean it's supernatural. There are a lot of people paying for mistakes & ignorance, who instead of facing up to the enemy in the mirror, are embarking on all sorts of weird missions. Wearing themselves out with aggravated foolishness.
The day it hit me what a bloody sham all of it was, was the day I was told "by revelation" that my mother is a witch, who initiated me into witchcraft before I was born. Yada yada f*cking yada. No, I didn't go looking for the so-called revelation. I dread to imagine what I'd have been told, if I'd gone searching for it - I'd have found enough people to fill my ears with poison. Even in London.
Stop making yourself vulnerable to wicked charlatans. But people will not listen. These horrid folk will spot one weakness & use it to destroy your life. If they can't spot anything, they CREATE it. And that's how you'll go believing that everyone around you is diabolical, and that everything you see is a sign of the so-called diabolism.
The mother of the man you're about to marry, cooks soup without palm oil = that's your proof of witchcraft. Your son's girlfriend fixes her nails & doesn't kneel when she greets = your prophet was right and she's a witch. In fact, she's "mammy water" because she's "yellow like pawpaw". A woman believes the random stranger who tells her that the son she raised and knows, is in a cult - because the stranger claims to be fronting for a deity. Marriages have ended, because one loon said they received a word of knowledge. And you, because you're an IGNORANT CHILD, regardless of your age, buy into it.
I don't understand how a sane person can spend their entire existence, chasing after signs and revelations. Who did this to us? Have you never noticed that these prophets only see & prophesy EVIL?
Mental heath issues are prevalent in Nigeria. But the average Nigerian believes that only the unkempt person on the streets, eating from bins and sleeping rough - has mental health issues. Some of us even go into denial after someone's mental health has degenerated to the point where they're on the streets! We say "it's an illusion and the devil is a liar". Then, we deny them the treatment they desperately need - because someone said we should bring them to church or crusade. A doctor even told me about a family that hid their son's mental health issues from an unfortunate woman, till she married him & they started telling her that "god sent you for a reason".
This fear of logic, of salient questions, of common sense - it will destroy what's left of Nigeria.
Take it from me - if all that sh*t worked, many people wouldn't be alive, never mind even gaining a whiff of success. If that crap was real, some of you wouldn't be as morally reprehensible and pathologically cruel as you are.
Some of you spend years praying for visas to climes where they use common sense. Oh, the irony ...

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